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When Should a Couple Consult a Test Tube Baby Centre? Everything You Need To Know

Dream of Parenthood can be achieved through the advancement of science in the field of assisted reproduction Technique. Infertility rate is increasing with time and there are many reasons such as hormonal issues, stress, pollution and many more. The term test tube baby was first used in 1978 with the birth of Louise Joy Brown and all thanks to the development of Assisted Reproduction Technique (ART) also known as In-Vitro Fertilization by scientist Sir Robert Edwards.

What is a Test Tube Baby?

IVF treatment is also known as test tube baby in layman language. It involves creation of human life at microscopic level by retrieving eggs and sperm and fertilizing them in the lab. Nearly 8 million babies were born through thefertilization processChildren born are healthy. The process of test tube baby is as following:

Step 1: Ovarian Stimulation

Generally, women produce one mature ovum during menstrual cycle. During this phase females under-go trans-vaginal sonography periodically to know the follicular size and once the eggs mature trigger injection is administered and egg retrieval is performed after 36 hours.

Step 2: Egg retrieval from Ovaries

Eggs are retrieved through trans-vaginal sonography under mild anaesthesia and the male partner’s semen sample is collected. These samples are taken to the lab for fertilization.

Step 3: Embryo Formation

In Embryo Formation, eggs and sperm are placed together in a petri dish and are placed inside an incubator for a few days. During this phase, the doctors check for signs of fertilization and monitor the growth of the embryo.

Step 4: Embryo Transfer

Usually, it takes five- six days for the cell to fertilize and form the embryo successfully. The embryo then is placed inside the uterus with help of a thin catheter.  The number of embryos that are to be transferred is decided mutually by the doctor and the patient. If there are surplus, then the embryos can be frozen.

Step 5: Tests

The first two weeks are the most crucial part of test tube baby procedure.  After two weeks, a blood test is done to confirm pregnancy.

When should couples consult Test Tube Baby Centre?

Infertility is affecting the current generation due the present lifestyle changes, work stress, pollution . With the help of modern science the rise of techniques like test tube baby and IUI, are helping couples fight infertility and expect a baby

Who can Opt for Test Tube Baby Procedure?


If you’re below 35 and have tried to get pregnant naturally for over an year, then it’s time for you to visit a test tube baby center.  In women after the age of 35 the ovarian reserve starts reducing and if you’re above 35 and trying to conceive naturally, but no positive line, visit a fertility clinic immediately. As women starting aging the quality and the number of eggs drop and develop a higher chance of miscarriage.

Health Conditions in Female leading to infertility are:

  • Blocked Fallopian Tube
  •   Unexplained Infertility
  •   Endometriosis
  •   Thyroid Condition
  •   Uterine Fibroids and
  •   Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  •   Health and Lifestyle Influence

Infertility in Men can be caused by:

Males account to 40-45% of infertility. Infertility in men is mostly due to poor cell health due to changed lifestyle, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, pelvic injury and many more. A cell analysis is always the first step to proceed to further investigations and treatments. Problems like not being able to maintain or achieve an erection or premature ejaculation can also be the underlying causes of infertility in male. It is advised to visit a fertility clinic for further investigations.

  •  Lifestyle Factor
  •   Age
  •   Ejaculatory Disorder
  •   Genetic Abnormalities
  •   Sperm Quantity and Quality

Test Tube Baby is not just a procedure, but a ray of hope for a couple and a door to happiness for a family. So, choose wisely an experienced IVF doctor or a good IVF Center and follow their advice while going through the test tube baby procedure for a high success rate and quick results. Shourya Test Tube Baby Center offers the Best test tube treatments in Hyderabad along with best fertility treatment. Our team of doctors is highly qualified, and our facility is one of the best IVF centers in Hyderabad. We give you all the reasons for happiness to all childless couples with advanced technology and have the state of art technologies to treat all the problems related to infertility with specialized doctors in this concerned field. To book an appointment calls us now at 9912532520.

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