Here we are giving you five key steps to protect yourself from Coronavirus. This is a crisis that the world has never seen before. We need teamwork to combat the coronavirus and pass this information to others to kick out COVID19.
The focus is on hand washing, coughing etiquette, not touching your face, physical distance and staying home if feeling unwell.
It begins with your hands, your hands should be washed frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based solution. Such frequent washing with soap and water, or preferably with an alcohol-based hand solution, kills viruses that may be on your hands. It is simple, but it is very important.
Cover your nose and mouth with a bent elbow or tissue when you sneeze or cough. If you use tissue then dispose of tissue immediately and wash your hands. Droplets spread the coronavirus. By following respiratory hygiene, you can protect the people around you from contracting viruses, such as cold, flu and coronavirus.
Avoid touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose or mouth to prevent the virus from entering your body. Hands touch too many surfaces and can quickly pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your face, from where the virus can move inside your body, making you feel unwell.
This the unforeseen situation where social interactions are banned. If necessary stay at least one metre distance from others. By maintaining such social distancing, you are helping to avoid breathing in any droplets from someone who sneezes or coughs in close proximity.
Know Your Symptoms:
If you feel unwell, it’s better to stay home. Please follow all instructions provided by your local health authorities. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance.
Keep informed as local health authorities provide the latest information on the situation in your area. Please follow their specific instructions, and call in advance to allow them to direct you to the appropriate local health facility. This serves to protect you and to help prevent the spread of virus and other infections.