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Best Practice To Reduce Stress While Trying To Conceive

Fertility Stress: In today’s hyperactive world trying to get pregnant can actually take a toll on your physical and mental health. It’s very common today that couple who are trying and are unable to conceive become depressed, stressed, tensed and lost. Though we can’t change our destiny, what a couple can control is how to cope and manage the challenges they have to face.

But as heart wrenching as it is trying to get pregnant, today there are many ways to express your grief and frustration and reduce your stress while trying to conceive. Not to forget uncertainty related to Covid 19 pandemic certainly is giving more stress about infertility in couples.

Reducing the fertility stress while trying to conceive, one should follow the points that are:


When you are trying to conceive a couple might be hesitant to cut back on taking tests. When they are trying to get pregnant but it becomes a fixation and that will make the couple feel fertility stress rather than relaxed.


Many a times for a couple fertility stress get in their minds so wrapped up that they forget what they used to do for fun, so to reduce the stress make a list of all the things that one enjoys and try to indulge in those fun activities again- like it might be a craft, cooking or any activity that gave you a moment of relaxation.


Trying to conceive is a period which becomes very stressful for couples because it turns coitus in to a chore and so it changes your sexual life in a way, to reduce this feeling try to connect with your partner in a more passionate, relatable way as it is very important to give attention to the relationship you have with your partner. So take time to talk to each other about how this whole period is affecting you both, de-stress by discussing the infertility issues with your partnerand it is better to consult infertility specialist.

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This is very important which means easing out and taking time for relaxation. Join Yoga, indulge in mild sessions so that you are able to forget your fertility stress and feel positive. These activities keep you “IN THE MOMENT” and help you change your inner dialogue about your stress to conceive and some have shown- it improves pregnancy rates.


If a couple finds it challenging to talk about how they are feeling one might keep their words private or share them with their friends, family and also it is better to consult infertility centre to clear your all queries.


If you feel that trying to get pregnant has taken almost over your life take a break ,go on a holiday, relax, chill spend quality time ,have fun activities and then get back to your normal life where the thought of getting pregnant does not bother you or stress you.


This will help to change your focus that is -now if it is just to conceive reframe it ,see it like you want a baby but that is not the end of the world or your life, other things are equally important and thus it will reduce your stress and will take away your depressed feeling about this whole issue.

So in a way by reducing the stress you are taking care of yourself. It is definitely challenging- that any couple faces in their way of fertility journey but, be more hopeful, talk to your partner, a therapist and take life as it comes to you. 

Shourya Test Tube Baby Center is the best infertility center in Hyderabad and offers best fertility treatment. Our team of doctors are highly qualified and our facility is one of the best infertility centers in Hyderabad. We give all the reasons for happiness to all childless couples with advanced technology, state of art infrastructures. We treat all the problems related to infertility by a team of expert doctors in this concerned field following best medical practices. To book an appointment call us now on 9502636153 9912532520

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