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COVID – 19 Precautions to be taken during the IVF Treatment

Fertility in both men and women is declining due to several lifestyle factors such as nutrition, exposure to organic pollutants, stress, mobile radiation, and others, some of which are under our control and many of which are not. Our frantic lifestyle, according to experts, is directly proportionate to infertility, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only increased the woes of couples undergoing IVF therapy. Did you know that approximately one out of every six couples in India are looking for an infertility solution?

Is it safe to pursue IVF therapy when the Coronavirus might be on the horizon? Is it possible that it will harm the baby? Is now the optimum moment to retrieve or transfer embryos? Will vaccination affect myself and my ability to conceive?

What are the methods of transmission of the COVID-19?

This virus spreads through sneezing, coughing, and spitting, much like any other virus. However, the simplest approach to protect yourself is to wash your hands with soap on a regular basis. Also, refrain from touching your face, eyes, or nose daily. If you are using a sanitizers or disinfectants, make sure that is has at least 60-70 percent alcohol in them.

Does COVID-19 affect fertility and pregnancy?

Women who have already become pregnant need to be bit more careful, because  any infection in pregnants might have a bit more adverse reactions compared to non pregnants.When it comes to pregnant women, it’s a common notion that things get more complicated. Pregnant women, on the other hand, may be more susceptible to the virus than other women.

Should IVF procedure be delayed because to COVID-19?

Couples who are undergoing fertility treatment or planning treatments such as Egg Freezing, IUI and IVF need not postpone their fertility treatment even after their vaccination. Any kind of sedations or hormone injections given during IVF treatment doesn’t have any kind of adverse effect in women. Maximum number of patients in their reproductive age don’t fall into the high-risk category, so doesn’t need to delay their fertility treatment because of COVID-19.

Is it safe to take COVID-19 Vaccination while undergoing fertility treatment?

Yes, you can take COVID-19 vaccination during your fertility treatment, but you may want to consider the time frame for taking the vaccination shot during your fertility treatment. It is better to separate your date of fertility treatment and vaccination, considering the side affects that people are experiencing post vaccination that you don’t want to experience during the treatment phase. The side-effects include slight headache, discomfort at the injection site, and minor discomfort.  The sole reason you should postpone fertility treatment after getting vaccinated is to protect yourself from COVID-19 before becoming pregnant. COVID-19 shot is unlikely to have an impact on the likelihood of treatment success. If you are over 35 years old, however, delaying fertility therapy for a few months may have an impact on your chances of conceiving.

Does COVID-19 affect pregnancy?

According to studies, the risk of COVID infection in a pregnant woman is the same as in a non-pregnant woman, but there is a slight increase in abortion risk, preterm delivery,decreased amniotic fluid ,according to available data, but there is lot more to know and data is awaited.Furthermore, there is minimal evidence that pregnant women can spread COVID infection to their unborn children. In most cases, the coronavirus is not found in amniotic fluid or breast milk. COVID-19 is  unlikely to impact your pregnancy because of these considerations.

After a positive pregnancy test, can you still get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Yes, now ICMR and FOGSI are recommending vaccination during pregnancy, and it can be taken at any time during pregnacy,from the time of conception till delivery. Vaccination does not have any adverse effect on the outcome of pregnancy or on the fetus.Elderly pregnants and those with pregnancy induced hypertention or diabetes or any other co- morbid conditions,have to get vaccinated at the earliest.

Symptoms usually develop 2 to 14 days after being exposed to the new COVID-19.

The common symptoms include:

  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Fever
  • Sore Throat
  • Headache
  • Muscle Aches and Pains
  • Loss of Taste and Smell

Here are some guidelines to follow to reduce the danger of transmission:

  • Hands should be washed often. COVID-19 can be avoided by maintaining good hand hygiene. You may hear this a lot, but it is for a good cause.
  • Distancing yourself from others is a good idea. When you are in a public place, keep a distance of at least 2 metres or 6 feet between you and others. As much as possible, avoid contacting others.
  • Any respiratory problems should not be overlooked. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor if you develop any kind of cough or any other respiratory discomfort. Your doctor will determine whether you need to be tested for COVID-19 after conducting a thorough medical history.
  • Get your flu shot as soon as possible. The flu vaccine does not prevent you from COVID-19 infection, but it can reduce your susceptibility to influenza, which can cause difficulties during pregnancy.
  • When you cough or sneeze, use a tissue and dispose of it in the trash. After that, wash your hands well.
  • Make a virtual trip. Consider internet consultations instead of prenatal visits to your gynecologists’ as much as possible. Spending time in the doctor’s waiting room or the hospital should be minimized or avoided entirely. However, other tests, such as ultrasounds, blood tests, and foetal testing, will necessitate your presence.
  • Keep yourself safe. Symptoms such as a high fever and a persistent cough could indicate a coronavirus infection. Avoid making close contact with somebody who is exhibiting these symptoms.

Shourya Test Tube Baby Center offers Best IVF treatments in Hyderabad along with best fertility treatment. Our team of doctors are highly qualified and our facility is one of the best fertility clinic. We give you all the reasons for happiness to all childless couples with advanced technology.  We have the state of art technologies to treat all the problems related to infertility with specialized doctors in this concerned field. To book an appointment call us now on 9177577234.

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